Each week we will compile a list of common abbreviations for our “texting” moms which will feature text shortcuts and acronyms to help you stay in the know!
Kids Text to Know: Concealing Activity From Mom & Dad
CU46 = See you for sex
IPN = I'm posting naked
GYPO = Get your pants off
NIFOC = Naked in front of computer
8 = Oral sex
GNOC = Get naked on camera
TDTM - Talk dirty to me
CD9 = Parents around/Code 9
KPC = Keeping parents clueless
99 = Parent gone
TWD = Texting while driving
WTTP = Want to trade pictures?
KOTL = Kiss on the lips
SUGARPIC = Suggestive or erotic photo
CID = Acid (the drug)
(L)MIRL = Let's meet in real life
DOC = Drug of choice
420 = Marijuana
Broken = Hungover from alcohol
DOC = Drug of choice
RU/18 = Are You Over 18?
1174 = Party Meeting Place
PIR = Parent in Room
General Text to Know
IDK = I don't know
*$ = Starbucks
=D = it's a happy big smiley
<3 = it's a heart
2moro = Tomorrow
LOL = Laughing Out Loud
BTW = By the Way
2nite = Tonight
J/K = Just Kidding
TTYL = Talk To You Later
GR8 = Great
NP = No Problem
DK = Don't Know
OT= Off Topic
AH = At Home
CYT = See You Tomorrow
OTP = On The Phone
OMW = On My Way