Bittersweet. This week, I need to commit to my own legacy in the deepest and most spiritual way. It is a year since my mom passed away and we have an unveiling at the cemetery this weekend as a tribute to her in which her headstone is put up and in essence, the final rituals of her passing are sealed. Death teaches us about life. So, my thoughts turn to legacy. Legacy is not only what our friends and family remember us for once we are gone. Legacy is an opportunity to create and carve out our today. It is a commitment that we make to LIVE and to do so authentically and with purpose.
One of the best ways to commit to our legacy is to develop a roadmap toward it. Fast-forward your life a few decades. What do you want your children and grandchildren to be saying about you? What do you want that story to be? If you had to tell your story now, what defines you, what ignites you, what is most important about life…what would you say?
That is your commitment. It is personal. No two commitments to legacy will ever be alike. That is because only ONE unique you exists. The choices you make and the choices you do not impact your legacy and impact your story. It all comes down to action.
Where do you start?
~ You already have! Every experience counts. The good, the bad, the happy, the ugly all make you who you are today. You are the sum total of everything up to this point. Embracing it all embraces your self-worth. Understanding your history impacts understanding your value. Legacy is all about value. What are you worth and why? Hint: This is not a financial question.
~ Make a list of all of your accomplishments. All that you are good at…even the mundane exposes all of your assets. If you are an expert at solving jigsaw puzzles or planning trips, or hosting parties, then be sure to put it all on your list. 100 things. Now take a look at what stands out from 50-100. Begin there, because this is where your imagination and your free thoughts resided on this project, so it will also be where you will connect back to things you have forgotten about yourself and experiences you most want to rekindle.
~ How many things on your list are in alignment with who you are today and the life you are living? The gaps are the places to begin to create opportunity for legacy. Here is an example:
Did you love being on sports teams in high school or college? Were you really good at that? Does it make you light up to talk about that, even 30 years later? Where in your life are you part of a team today? There are different types of teams in business, in volunteering, through adult sports leagues; perhaps it is time to take a look at being a part of a bigger picture! What will that bring into your life? What can your contribution be?
~ Begin. Write your story. Not the one you have been telling yourself that is shot full of excuses, but the one you genuinely want to tell. Don’t worry about the ending. You are not there yet. Don’t write the middle of the story that has yet to unfold. Just concentrate on beginnings. What’s next?
Randi Levin, CPC, CEO & Founder Randi Levin Coaching-- is a transitional life strategist, author, speaker, and reinvention expert. She holds a BS Degree in Journalism from The University of Maryland and a professional coaching certification from Ipec Coaching. She believes that we have the choice and the power to create our own legacy every day. Randi is a contributor and featured expert for Huffington Post, Identity Magazine, and PowHER Network. She is a co-author in the new book Get RESULTS! This toolbox for change is an anthology collection empowering readers to embrace driving their own personal and professional destiny.