Success is the cause behind a life well lived, not the result! Essentially, you get to choose and direct the achievements of your life so that they curate the legacy that you desire. Living your legacy is possible when you use the energy of the current moment as a catalyst for mindfully designing and harnessing accomplishments. One great trick to being able to do just that is to imagine that you are dating and flirting with your business and your life!
Flirting with success is a mindfulness technique that I use in my coaching practice that is based on the concept of toying or playing with the possibilities of something intriguing and exciting to you. When you flirt with a potential significant other, you show up refreshed and renewed, in your best light, and open to whatever is next. In that moment, fears, static lifestyles, and limiting beliefs evaporate and become replaced with anticipation, increased vitality, and an overall feeling of connection and forward action. You become more present in the everyday and less focused on the past or the future.
Done correctly, flirting with success is not predatory or harassing in any way. It is simply a mindfulness tool to become more present in your everyday based on the skills you would use when flirting. Some may say that the idea of flirting is transitory and not substantive. Think about that for a moment. It may be argued that when you project a flirtatious outlook, you are in action, and more importantly you have belief in what you are doing. You take your next steps seriously, yet spiritedly. It is precisely this spirit and energy from your mind and your heart that drives success.
Flirting is sexy.
Flirting is playful.
Flirting is about communication and that starts with you.
Flirting is all about awareness.
Wrapped up within the boundaries of the art of flirting lives a skillset unlocking confidence, self-worth, tenacity, belief, and even empathy. This is the same skillset that is indispensable in building a business and a life of abundance and value. The talents that form the essence of defining and redefining your success exist within the framework of being present and engaged in all 365 days of the year. Today is the day you can make a difference. Today is the day that you can flirt with success. Today is the day where you can have control of the choices and decisions that impact your legacy and your life. That all begins with awareness and a vigor that can literally make your thoughts ignite. Not to mention your goals!
Intrigued? Here are 3 easy ways to begin:
1. Ask questions: Curiosity is the heartbeat of any new relationship. It feeds our desire for more information, allows us to build trust and confidence in someone or something, and it fuels connection and inspiration. Success is often banished to a future goal or achievement and not as readily sought out in the moment. Yet, when an inquiring mind seizes the current hour to learn and be open to allowing in what’s next…that is often exactly what one gets! Asking questions is the research phase of any new encounter; in fact, it almost insures its success. Being curious engages your thoughts, awakens your senses and allows newness into your life.
2. Highlight Achievements: This sounds simple and yet I bet you seldom do so. In the race to your goals – which reside in tomorrow, it is common to skip over today. If you are seeking success, then hunker down in daily celebrations. Again, if you think from a flirting mindset, then your thoughts, conversations, and actions would be focused on beginning with the reel of “what you got right” in your life. It is common to lead with our assets when getting to know others, striving for people to see us from the most complimentary vantage point. What shifts right this minute if you lead with your achievements every single day? Does it take the edge off indecision and fear of failure and allow you to become more excited about your smaller successes? Focusing on the highlights of your day is a great way to not only flirt with what went well, but to remain grateful and therefore less fearful of what did not. This simple technique permits you to acknowledge your own growth. With fear out of the equation, what can flirting with success allow you to accomplish?
3. Be accountable: When flirting with others or with opportunities, consistently showing interest, being engaged, and participation are hallmarks of the seduction itself. What is intriguing about flirting is that you are taking forward action and initiative with every communication. You are responsible not only for your ½ of the flirtation with others; you are responsible for 100% of how you show up for yourself. When applied to your personal or professional life, this same accountability enables you to seek success from a solution focused, in-action mindset. This refreshed focus is a wonderful byproduct of flirting with success, bringing into your life the ability to grasp hold of the mindfulness involved in being a participant in your own life.
Randi Levin, CPC, founder & CEO, Randi Levin Coaching – is a nationally recognized transitional life strategist, Fortune 500 keynote, author, and reinvention expert. Randi Levin Coaching supports women in becoming legends in their own lives! Legacy is a mindset and a muscle that when flexed can become a power tool for change and redirection in the current moment. Randi is a catalyst toward a shift in perspectives in regard to fear, growth, purpose and overall success—all key elements of her Signature GPS Coaching System. Randi Levin Coaching is widely quoted and featured in top media outlets. She is a featured expert for Thrive Global, DivorceForce, The Three Tomatoes, Women for One, and Better After 50. Her workshops have been featured in The Wall Street Journal and you may have seen her in HuffPost, Reader’s Digest, Business Insider, American Express OPEN Forum, and Working Mother Magazine. She is regularly a guest on top podcasts and radio shows. Randi is a contributing author in the anthology series Get RESULTS!