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Say Goodbye to Mosquitoes + Pesky Bugs and Hello to Outdoor Fun with Mosquito Joe of Wayne

Say Goodbye to Mosquitoes + Pesky Bugs and Hello to Outdoor Fun with Mosquito Joe of Wayne, Bergen County Moms

Warm weather is approaching, flowers are blooming and mosquitoes are active in Bergen County. As the weather warms up, ticks, mosquitoes, and other pesky bugs are becoming more active. Don't let them ruin your time outside!

Mosquito Joe of Wayne is here to help with effective pest control services. From mosquito, flea + tick and spotted lanternfly treatments to perimeter pest control for ants, spiders, centipedes, earwigs, stink bugs, beetles, springtails and crickets, they've got you covered.

Enjoy your outdoor adventures without worrying about unwanted guests!

Mosquito and Tick + Flea Control Services

Mosquito Joe of Wayne provides professional mosquito, tick and flea control services to residential and commercial properties in our local community. Their expertly trained technicians examine each property for potential breeding ground areas, and then plan and execute a customized treatment just for your property. These treatments provide an added layer of defense against mosquito and tick-borne illness while also keeping your family from swatting and scratching.

Tips and Tricks

To eliminate any potential problem areas on your property in between treatments, here are a few simple tips and tricks from Mosquito Joe of Wayne to ensure you’re keeping those pesky pests at bay:

  • Eliminate standing water. Female mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water – all it takes is a bottle cap full of water for them to lay their eggs! It takes about a week for a mosquito to complete the life cycle – transforming from an egg to an adult. Ensure you’re emptying children’s toys, garden pots, old tires, bird baths, dog bowls and water buckets daily.

  • Clean up debris. Some species of mosquitoes lay their eggs in damp soil or debris, such as decaying logs, mulch, dirty gutters and leaf piles. Be sure to clean up debris, that includes those gutters!

  • Mow the lawn and trim the bushes. During the day, mosquitoes like to rest in cooler areas such as tall grass and thick shrubs. Keeping the foliage short deprives them of a resting place.

Protect Your Yard + Get Your First Spray for Only $59.99 (up to half-acre)

*New customers Only

Additional Services:

Gnat Treatment for $100 (up to half-acre for 4 weeks)

Perimeter Pest Control for $99 (up to an acre for 6 weeks)

Outside is Fun Again + Spring Savings by Mosquito Joe Wayne, Bergen County Moms

Mosquito Joe of Wayne


Mosquito Joe of Wayne provides pest control services for residential and commercial properties. From mosquito, flea + tick and spotted lanternfly treatments to perimeter pest control for ants, spiders, centipedes, earwigs, stink bugs, beetles, springtails and crickets, they've got you covered. Mosquito Joe also offers an all-natural mosquito pest control solution.


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