How many to-do lists have you made lately?
How many emails have you answered?
The notes and calls that you answer and most of the lists you make have everything to do with everyone else, and if you think about it have very little to do with YOU.
Time for a Note to Self!
Make March the month that you write a letter to yourself and for yourself. Make this the moment that you REMEMBER what is important and include yourself in that memory. Incorporate these 5 things when designing your love note:
· Thank You: Gratitude is not just for everyone else, it is for praising yourself as well. What are you most grateful for in your personal and professional life? Have you thanked YOU for the progress you have made or the effort you have put into your life? From your heart, express your own genuine thank you as a cheers to your proudest most defining moments. Soak in the feelings of gratitude you have for the traction you have made in all areas of your life.
· Congratulations: Not to be confused with thank you notes, congratulations are a key part of your note to self because you may forget to celebrate the wins. It is all too common to speak of the things you did not yet accomplish or the fails that are real or anticipated. The successes often go untapped and unnoticed. Or, you may feel as though you need to achieve a monumental success in order to be happy or celebratory. Celebrate the small stuff, the ½ steps, and the little pieces. Write them into your note to self.
· Testimonials: Where have you listened in to what others are REALLY saying about you? No…not the judgments that you think are there, the real stuff of life that you have heard and seen in print: your review at work, your friends who are thanking you, your spouse who is pointing out a strong point, a client who is happy with the results they have gotten and expressed this to you. Include these accolades as you shape your note to self. Make sure that you really hear the message.
· Expert Solutions: Schedule a meeting with YOU! Think about all the meetings you attend with and for everyone else…this meeting is about personal inventory. Set the agenda for a meeting with yourself and include the outcomes in your note. When you look in the mirror what do you see? Beyond the pimple, or wrinkle, or haircut that you like or do not like, what is your inner reflection revealing? In your meeting fine-tune what is working and what you are missing in your life. Does your daily to-do match who you are now? Seek solutions on fine-tuning purpose and balance. What would you tell a friend to do? Incorporate your sound advice and wisdom into your note to self. You may not be an expert on everything, yet you are THE EXPERT on YOU.
· Mind full or Mindful: There is a difference. If you write your note to self from a mind full perspective you will have no capacity to take next steps. When your mind is full there is little room to allow in opportunity and new perspectives. If you write your note from a mindful vantage point you will incorporate next steps and choices that will support you in making commitments that align with your values and goals and that foster forward action. Be mindful of being mind full!
Use the website www.Futureme.org to send your note. Or grab a fresh notebook and make this an ongoing practice or new way to journal. Once you write your note read it out loud in front of the mirror. Take in the significance of it and then send it to yourself on a date that has meaning to you. You can choose a birthday or anniversary, or perhaps New Year’s Day. Let your note to self be of note to you! What’s now and what is next?
Randi Levin CPC, founder & CEO, Randi Levin Coaching – is a nationally recognized transitional life strategist, Fortune 500 keynote, author, and reinvention expert. Randi supports women in becoming legends in their own lives! She works with emerging entrepreneurs and women in transition to redefine their legacy so that they can move from wanting success to living successfully. Randi is a legacy catalyst employing the power of today to curate, design, and drive choice and limitless growth. She is a relatable resource and an action-oriented coach building upon her 15 years in Corporate America, her tenure as a stay-at-home super mom, and her successful reinvent and pivot as an entrepreneur and sought-after life strategist. Randi Levin Coaching is widely quoted and featured in top media outlets and she is regularly a featured guest expert on podcasts, radio, and women’s panels. You may have seen her quoted or as a contributor in Thrive Global, HuffPost, Reader’s Digest, Business Insider, American Express OPEN Forum, Working Mother Magazine, Better After 50, or Covey Club. Her workshops have been featured in The Wall Street Journal and Randi is the creator of The Personal Success Accelerator System and a contributing author in the anthology series Get RESULTS!