Happy Half 2015! June marks the midway point for the year and it is an ideal time to access our commitments to ourselves. What did you vow to take care of that you have not begun, and what major plans for 2015 have been altered or changed to reflect your goals? Back in January, you many have made resolutions to yourself or to others that you have surpassed or never kept. What better time then the beginning of summer to kick back and dive into mastering the life you want RIGHT NOW?
What can you “dare to commit to” in the remaining 6 months of the year?
Dare To… Do The One Thing That Is Most Uncomfortable: Simply put, change lives in and comes alive in the place in which we are most uncomfortable. Uninterrupted, we repeat the same things over and over.
Interrupt yourself.
Take a step forward on one issue out of your “zone” and into the unknown.
Savor the moment.
Dare To…Give Up The Illusion of Tomorrow: Do it today. Whatever it is. That thing you kept meaning to do over the past 6 months and have not done yet is perfect for right now. No more procrastination. You know what it is you need to do, now … go!
Do it! Pick one goal. Put one flip flop in front of the other. Now.
Dare To…Be Grateful: Acknowledge what you have. It is hard to determine what we most want if we don’t take inventory on what we already have. Don’t miss the wonderful opportunity that is right in front of you because you are fearful of the unknown. Often, what is most valuable to us is perhaps already in our grasp; we only need to really look, and be mindful of the many gifts that enrich our daily lives.
Did you find what you are most grateful for? Good…now give back!
Dare To…Be Your Own Best Friend: Love your body and your whole being and take care of it. It is a machine and needs maintenance, recharging, appreciation, and nurturing. Being your own best friend generates a positive self-image and a positive energy. Your inner fitness will impact your outer fitness and visa versa.
Reinvent. Refresh. ReYOU!
Be willing to make decisions and not excuses in regard to beginning anew on you. The foundation that you have set in place is solid; build upon your experiences and create the life you want in the in the next 6 months!
~ Randi Levin, Certified Transitional Coach, mentor, writer and inspirational speaker, partners with her clients to define and navigate the many “acts or chapters” of their lives. She is a subject matter expert in the art of reinvention and it is her joy to unleash her client’s unlimited potential and to tap into what she calls, “the evolving business of you.” Contact RandiCLevin@gmail.com or 347-395-6255.