Here we are amidst the holiday season once again. It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of it all, we can find ourselves moving so quickly, we are not even aware of what is happening that we may miss the joy connecting to the moments, what can one do?
Feng Shui principles create support in our life, wonderful tools to help us stay organized and grounded so that we may enjoy this festive fast-paced time of year.
Here are a few Feng Shui tips to get you started:
Your Front Door:
Do you use it? Make sure it is easy to open.
Make it inviting. Add some color and sparkle and light.
In many cases our front door is our face to the world, a metaphor for how we are moving along in our life journey so create a joyous welcoming experience.
Create Your Fabulous First:
The first thing you see upon entering must be Fabulous!
Create ample space around furniture and objects.
Movement should be effortless throughout your home, meandering as if you are a stream of water flowing easily from room to room with ample space around furniture and objects. We are coming into the season of winter, the element of water, the energy of adaptability and flow, it is a perfect time to dream of our hearts desires and make plans for the coming New Year. Connecting to the feelings of our thoughts and dreams, we find we can make it so!
Energize with Life!
Your space comes alive with greenery.
String little strands of lights through your plants and trees.
Plants, flowers and trees bring life into our space, we use them to remind us how blessed we are to be alive. Embrace the sense of unconditional giving, how good it feels to show kindness to others. That which we give away with compassion, without expectation, is what we reap 1,000 times over. The energy of life brings forth an enthusiasm to do, nourishing our ideas, supporting our ability to go-go-go!
The most important tip of all is feel the LOVE. LOVE everything in your space, if it feels good – then it is perfect for you.

Lois Kramer-Perez, CHt. is a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner & Educator working with people creating healthy abundant lifestyles embracing the feng shui principles for people, places and things. Visit loiskramerperez.com for your free gift. 201.906.5767 lois@loiskramerperez.com